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Nutrition and Care: Strength and Health of Bones

Hello, this is Olga Dekker. Today, I’m eager to share with you the secrets of maintaining bone health throughout your life.

Why is it so important to care for your bones?

Bones fulfill several key functions: they provide support for our body, protect internal organs, serve as a mineral reservoir, and play a role in blood formation.

How should you eat for bone health?

It’s important to focus on certain nutrients in your daily diet:

  • Calcium is the primary building block of bones, and its sufficient consumption is critically important for their strength.
  • Vitamin D3 is essential for better calcium absorption and maintaining bone health.
  • Magnesium plays a significant role in calcium metabolism and maintaining bone density.

By creating an economical yet nutritious diet, you can enrich it with calcium, vitamin D3, and magnesium, focusing on accessible products:

The Power of Lecithin: Exploring Its Numerous Health Benefits

Journalists of the Russian international information agency «Novosti» asked me for help in preparing a material on the topic «Lecithin: types, benefits and harms, peculiarities of ingestion». I prepared an expert commentary and also helped to check the material prepared by journalists for errors and inaccuracies.

So, lecithin performs not one but several functions in the human body. Firstly, it is one of the main structural components of cells (of which cell membranes are composed), helping to renew and «repair» them.

That is, it is the building material for many organs and tissues, primarily the brain and nervous system in general, as well as the liver.

It also helps to deliver to the cells all the necessary nutrients (vitamins, etc.), and also contains a component that promotes the formation of acetylcholine — an important neurotransmitter that affects the function of the brain.

In addition, lecithin plays a role in metabolism, has antioxidant properties (that is, can fight free radicals).

The Favorite Diet: An Effective Way to Lose Weight?

The favorite diet is quite simple and effective in losing weight. The essence of the diet is that each day is a discharge — it is dedicated to a certain type of food.

The favorite diet is quite tough and low-calorie, which can lead to rapid weight loss. However, such weight loss can be associated not only with the loss of fat, but also with the loss of muscle mass and fluid.

As an expert nutritionist for the popular magazine «Komsomolskaya Pravda» I wrote in detail about the pros and cons of the favorite diet, as well as how to make a delicious and varied menu for the week.

Also, keep in mind that such a diet does not provide enough of all necessary nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies, reduced immunity, fatigue and other health problems.

Carob vs. Chocolate: Making the Healthy Choice

This particular carob powder tastes as close to chocolate as possible. It is used in baking all kinds of muffins and scones. It is also often used as an alternative to cocoa. You can buy carob chocolate in health food stores, or you can make your own.

About the benefits of carob and carob chocolate, as well as how to choose good carob in the store, I told in an expert commentary for Vertera — an online media about beauty, health and healthy lifestyle.

   Benefits of Carob:

Rich in antioxidants: carob contains large amounts of antioxidants that help protect the body from free radical damage.

Раскрываем 6 секретов опасных пищевых добавок

Опасные пищевые добавки могут негативно влиять на здоровье. В экспертном комментарии для издания “Спорт Экспресс” я рассказала про различные побочные эффекты и заболевания, которые могут быть связаны с потреблением этих добавок.

Такие как головные боли, тошнота, аллергические реакции, гиперактивность у детей, сердечно-сосудистые заболевания и повышенный риск рака.

Например: Нитраты и нитриты, используемые в мясных продуктах, могут превращаться в канцерогенные соединения в организме и ассоциироваться с повышенным риском развития рака.

Также рекомендую внимательно изучать этикетки продуктов, чтобы узнать, какие добавки содержатся в них, и сделать осознанный выбор в пользу здорового питания.

Secrets of Food: 6 Dangerous Additives Hidden on Labels

Today it is difficult to find products with an all-natural composition. Most manufactured products contain artificial additives. They play a significant role: they extend the shelf life, increase the caloric value, improve texture, color, and so on. Some additives do no harm to the body, but there are some that are bad for your health. As an expert nutritionist, I told about how to figure out where the real danger lurks in an article by the daily newspaper «Sport-Express».

There are many dangerous additives that can be found in foods that should be avoided or reduced. Some of them include:

Cancer because of the microwave oven: is it possible?

Izvestia published my expert commentary on the topic, «Can a microwave oven lead to cancer and other diseases?

This question worries many people, and I am glad I was able to allay some fears and provide science-based information.

Using a microwave oven and other appliances cannot provoke cancer. According to studies, microwave ovens are safe to use if used according to the instructions for use.

A microwave oven uses electromagnetic waves to generate heat and heat food. These waves are in the microwave range, which is below ultraviolet and X-rays in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Онкология из-за микроволновки: возможно ли?

Издание «Известия» опубликовало мой экспертный комментарий на тему: «Может ли микроволновая печь привести к онкологии и другим заболеваниям?»

Этот вопрос волнует многих людей, и я рада, что смогла развеять некоторые опасения и предоставить научно-обоснованную информацию. В комментарии, я подчеркиваю, что использование микроволновой печи не является причиной развития рака и других заболеваний.

Mysterious desire to eat fat, sweet or salty foods before going to bed

Championship magazine published my expert article on the topic: Why do you want fat, sweet or salty foods closer to bedtime?

The scientific explanation for why fat, sweets, or salty foods are cravings closer to bedtime has to do with how our bodies work and our lifestyles.

First of all, our hormones change during the day, which can affect our desire to eat. In the evening, levels of the hormone leptin, which controls satiety, may be lower, while levels of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, may be higher. This can lead to a desire to eat more calorie-dense foods such as fatty, sweet or salty foods.

What problems in the body will tell us why we want to eat fat? sweet? salty?

Загадочное желание есть жирное, сладкое или соленое перед сном

Издание Чемпионат опубликовало мой экспертный материал на тему: Почему жирного, сладкого или соленого хочется именно ближе к ночи?


Есть научное объяснение тому, почему такие продукты хочется именно ближе к ночи. Это связано с работой нашего организма и особенностями образа жизни. Вот несколько возможных причин этого:

  1. Уровень гормона лептина снижается вечером, что приводит к увеличению аппетита и желанию употреблять пищу с высоким содержанием сахара, жиров и соли.

  2. Стресс и усталость могут стать дополнительными факторами, влияющими на выбор пищи. В таких случаях мы часто стараемся успокоиться и расслабиться, употребляя вредные продукты.

  3. Неправильный режим питания, когда большая часть калорий потребляется вечером, может также вызвать желание есть пищу с высоким содержанием жиров, сахара и соли.